A New Virus is Arising

Spacey: My computer is hacked by a virus known as palikan and MPC cleaner it deleted all my stuff.
Spacey: So yeah.
ToxicHolyGrenade: OK.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Where did you get Palikan and MPC Cleaner anyway?
Spacey: I was surfing on the internet.
Spacey: When I was like finding pictures for my school project.
Spacey: An ad pop up appeared in Google.
Spacey: And then there was a text.
Spacey: "Program has been installed."
Spacey: When I was playing games.
Spacey: My computer restarted.
Spacey: And everything was deleted.
Spacey: I can't open control panel or computer.
Spacey: All I can do is nothing.
Spacey: The weird thing is.
Spacey: My PC is not slow.
Spacey: I didn't install anything.
ToxicHolyGrenade: I have no words. You got a virus by looking at Google ads.
Spacey: All my games are from steam and I borrowed my friends steam account to play undertale.
Spacey: That's it.
Spacey: My antivirus also said that I had no virus.
Spacey: Until that virus came up my antivirus was deleted.
Spacey: And Google chrome became "high."
ToxicHolyGrenade: I should warn everyone about it.
Spacey: Every single file games, everything's format became ink.
Spacey: And my safe mode is disabled.
Spacey: And.
Spacey: Then.
Spacey: I founded out.
Spacey: That there was a weird account.
Spacey: In my windows.
Spacey: There's two.
Spacey: One is named OWNER.
Spacey: And the second is CONTROLER.
Spacey: I can't open CMD.
Spacey: And MPC cleaner detected avast as a virus.
Spacey: And palikan.com sponsored allot of techsupport scammers.
Spacey: What the hell man.
Spacey: I didn't do anything.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Again, to be honest, I have no words that certain ads can also give out viruses on Computers. Those bastards.
Spacey: Now I'm traumatized to go to the Internet except on phone.
Spacey: Yep.
Spacey: The ad has that wierd download icon.
Spacey: When it appeared.
Spacey: I opened.
Spacey: Task manager.
Spacey: But nothing was running.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Don't be traumatized, the Internet is safe, but be careful on whatever appears in the Internet that you didn't trust yet.
Spacey: My background doesn't change.
ToxicHolyGrenade: I get it.
Spacey: Ye.
Spacey: Whenever I turn off the computer.
Spacey: I can hear the computer is still on.
Spacey: But it's not.
Spacey: Here's a list of games I have.
Spacey: HL2.
Spacey: Gmod.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Yeah, I predicted your thoughts.
Spacey: TF2.
Spacey: Undertale from my friends account.
Spacey: No flash disk where inserted.
Spacey: Everything is running fast.
Spacey: What I was opening was only the internet.
ToxicHolyGrenade: I guess you should get a new Computer I guess.
Spacey: I'll just change the hard disk.
Spacey: I still have my windows CD.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Good.
Spacey: Oh palikan is a browser hijacker.
Spacey: And MPC is.
Spacey: MPC cleaner is a 'cleaner'.
Spacey: And now I have 2 program files.
Spacey: WTF.
ToxicHolyGrenade: The virus's creator deserves to be locked behind bars.
Spacey: Whenever I click something they said that I need to install something.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Shit.
Spacey: Yep.
ToxicHolyGrenade: So, what are you going to do now? If it couldn't be fixed, then you need to get a new Computer or Laptop?
Spacey: And I felt like my monitor was being connected to another PC.
Spacey: Because.
Spacey: The last time I open task manager.
Spacey: There's a program running called.
Spacey: Monitortell.exe.
ToxicHolyGrenade: What's that?
Spacey: IDK.
Spacey: Sometimes my mouse is moving weird.
Spacey: Like exiting the browser.
Spacey: Turning on the internet.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Well, shit.
Spacey: He deleted my Internet Explorer.
Spacey: And my Chrome and Mozila.
Spacey: How could he/she open the Internet.
Spacey: So I unplugged my Mouse.
ToxicHolyGrenade: That virus is powerful, never knew it has allot of abilities it can do, like deleting your stuff, the list goes on doesn't it?
ToxicHolyGrenade: Well?
ToxicHolyGrenade: Hello?
ToxicHolyGrenade: Are you there?
Spacey: I'm here.
Spacey: Yes and.
Spacey: When I open those 2 accounts.
Spacey: I saw weird exes and stuff.
Spacey: There's even one called.
Spacey: WOW.exe.
ToxicHolyGrenade: I'm getting suspicious.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Do you consider yourself clicking on one of them?
Spacey: Nope.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Good.
Spacey: And.
Spacey: Whenever I turn on the PC.
Spacey: There's a cmd popping.
Spacey: Only for 1 second.
Spacey: Then disappears.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Get yourself a sheet of paper, and write down each word to make out on what the cmd is writing out.
Spacey: It.
Spacey: Its only like 2 seconds.
Spacey: I can't see the rest.
Spacey: It's like.
Spacey: "Hi."
Spacey: "Bye."
Spacey: Like dat.
Spacey: Its like you met a person and say hi and one second later they say bye.
Spacey: And it's all encrypted.
Spacey: Now I can't open anything.
Spacey: It's so smart.
Spacey: I'm using a Phone.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Are you talking about the virus, is it intelligent?
ToxicHolyGrenade: Because I assume it is.
Spacey: Yes.
Spacey: It's my first time seeing a virus like this.
Spacey: Older viruses that I encounter are easy to kill.
Spacey: Even the one that had blue screen.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Except for this virus that you got.
Spacey: Yeah.
Spacey: My computer is not even laggy.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Yeah.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Other viruses can send out porn and transfer data.
Spacey: Yep.
Spacey: I think the virus is turning my PC into a slave machine.
Spacey: But tomorrow is its last day.
ToxicHolyGrenade: What?
Spacey: I will change my hard disk.
Spacey: So no worries.
ToxicHolyGrenade: Hopefully your task would end on a positive note.